QRZ! Ham Radio 6
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 6.iso
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123 lines
R:910902/1018 @:WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA Kirtland, OH #:6091 Z:44026
R:910902/0535z @:NT8V.MI.USA.NA PORT HURON, MI. #:684 Z:48060
SYSOP v2.0 - by Thomas Dwyer III (N8MHF) July 24, 1991
What it is:
SYSOP is a program which simplifies the authentication process
when becoming the remote sysop of an MSYS BBS. When the SysRq
key on the Enhanced keyboard is pressed, the \Sysop command is
sent to MSYS. This program then waits for MSYS to supply:
Usage stats: Users=27 Msgs rcvd=25 Msgs sent=1 Max=27
Note that the numbers in the above line will be different with
each access attempt. This program parses the line and builds
the correct password, which is then sent to MSYS.
How to use it:
SYSOP takes a string as an argument. The first character of
the string must be a digit [1-8] of the com port that SYSOP
should use for communication with MSYS. The rest of the string
is the password specified in the MSYS.RMT file on the remote
system. If SYSOP is run with no arguments, or if the first
character of the argument is not a digit in the range [1-8],
a syntax message is printed and the resident code is not
Once installed, SYSOP can be removed from memory by running it
and specifying "0" as the port number.
It is possible to change the COM port that SYSOP uses to talk
to MSYS after it has been installed by simply running SYSOP
and specifying the new port number. It is not necessary to
supply the password on the command line in this case.
SYSOP depends on interrupt 0x15 being called via the keyboard
interrupt. If this does not happen in your system, SYSOP will
not work. If you have F11 and F12 keys on your keyboard, SYSOP
will probably work with your machine.
The addresses for the com ports COM1 through COM8 are hard
coded in the program. Here is the part of the listing file
that has these addresses. Those of you (if any) who have
problems getting ports 3-8 working on your machines might
have to use DEBUG to alter this address table.
0438 p_list label word ; here are the addresses
0438 03F8 dw 3f8h ; for COM1 through COM8
043A 02F8 dw 2f8h
043C 03E8 dw 3e8h
043E 02E8 dw 2e8h
0440 02F0 dw 2f0h
0442 03E0 dw 3e0h
0444 02E0 dw 2e0h
0446 0260 dw 260h
During the time SYSOP is active (ie, you pressed SysRq), the
scroll-lock light will be lit. When SYSOP has finished with
the password transmission, the scroll-lock light will turn
off. SYSOP will wait until MSYS responds with the line SYSOP
is looking for, or until the ESC key is pressed.
SYSOP was written for and tested with MSYS version 1.11
Remote machine was running Kermit, Yapp, Telix, and others.
Fixed Bugs:
When pressing SysRq a second time while the first invocation
is still active, the PC would hang. This is fixed.
There was no provision for SYSOP to check whether it was
previously installed, and running it several times would cause
a new copy to become resident. This is now fixed.
There was no provision to remove SYSOP from memory once installed.
This is now fixed.
Known Bugs:
SYSOP requires one and only one space between the command and the
argument. This may or may not be fixed in the next version.
There is no provision to change the password string that SYSOP
uses once it has been installed. This will be fixed in the next
version. The current workaround is to uninstall SYSOP and then
install it again with the new password.
Unknown Bugs:
You tell me! Send mail to:
Internet: tomiii@mtu.edu
Bitnet: tomiii@mtus5.bitnet
Packet Radio: N8MHF@W8YY.#UPMI.MI.USA.NA
Snail Mail: Thomas Dwyer III
311 Scallon Ave.
Hancock, MI 49930